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Determined. Compassionate. Extraordinary.

Those three words are what come to mind when thinking about Bailee. Born on March 22, 2004, she grew up in Clio, Michigan. At the age of four, Bailee picked up soccer and fell in love with the sport. Throughout her 10 years of playing, she played for the Clio Football Club, Midland Fusion, and the Nationals, all under the number 44.

Bailee and her family moved to Freeland and attended Freeland schools. As a freshman Bailee got involved in basketball, Piers Are Linked for Social Success (PALSS), became vice president of student council, was Chief STEM Officer (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), and took part in the Travel Club.

Bailee was more than words can describe. She was always there when someone needed her, was helpful to others when they needed, she actively went out of her way for others, was fun to be around, was able to make others laugh and smile even on their worst days. Bailee did all this with a glowing smile on her face that was infectious to those around her.

On November 3, 2018, Bailee was tragically killed in a car crash.

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